Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):
- Prof. Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt (University of Hamburg)
- Prof. Dr. Rita Gautschy (University of Basel)
- Dr. Michael Rappenglück (Gilching)
Local Organizing Committee (LOC):
- Gudrun Wolfschmidt (Universität Hamburg)
Back to the table of contents
Deadlines - Abstracts and Registration
Topics of the Abstracts:
We cordially invite you to present and discuss your contributions on the topics of
- timekeeping
- navigation
- surveying
- cultural astronomy
- archaeoastronomy
- ethnoastronomy
- history of science
- heritage of astronomy
Relationships between cultural astronomy and other disciplines
(e.g. archaeology, anthropology, architecture, art, metrology, philosophy) can also be discussed.
Authors are required to send an extended abstract clearly explaining the background,
the data, the results, and the conclusions with the following requirements:
- ca. 500-700 words
- at least 3 references
- 3-5 keywords
- up to 2 color images may be included (300dpi)
- a short biographical information
- please send it in Word or LaTeX
Please indicate whether your contribution is intended
as an oral presentation or as a poster contribution.
Only one abstract per person as first author will be accepted!
Deadline for abstracts: March 31, 2025.
Please send your abstract to SEAC email
All accepted abstracts will be published in an abstract booklet.
Deadline: May 31, 2025.
Registration Form
(will be updated)
Conference fee
.....- Euro for SEAC or GfA members,
.....- Euro for Students
.....- Euro for non members.
Back to the table of contents
Booklet of Abstracts
(will be updated)
Hamburg, Geomatikum, Monday, August 25, 2025

Hamburg, Geomatikum, Tuesday, August 26, 2025
- .... h Lectures
.... Session:
Chair: ....
- .... Uhr - ...._
- .... Uhr - ....:
- .... Uhr - ....:
- .... Uhr - coffee break
- .... Uhr - ....:
- .... Uhr - ....:
- 13:00-14:00 Uhr - Mittagessen / Lunch -
- .... Uhr - ....:
- .... Uhr - ....:
Planetarium Hamburg
(Photos: Gudrun Wolfschmidt)
- 19 Uhr ?
Planetarium Hamburg,
Linnering 1 (Stadtpark), 22299 Hamburg
Aby Warburg (1866-1929) Exhibition --
Cultural History of Astronomy and Astrology (Mnemosyne),
originally opened in 1930 in the Planetarium Hamburg.

Public Lecture - Öffentlicher Abendvortrag
Dr. Michael Rappenglück (Gilching):
Humans and the Cosmos:
From the World Cave to the Big Bang --
Anthropology, Ecospheres, and Cultural Cosmologies
Hamburg Observatory, Wednesday, August 27, 2025

Gojenbergsweg 112, 21029 Hamburg-Bergedorf
- 10:00-13:00 Uhr Lectures - Vorträge
... Session - Hamburger Sternwarte
Chair: ...
- .... Uhr - ....:
- .... Uhr - ....:
- 11.00-11:30 Uhr Kaffeepause / Coffee break
- .... Uhr - ....:
- .... Uhr - ....:
- 13:00-14:00 Uhr - Mittagessen / Lunch -
- 14:00-15:00 Uhr Lectures - Vorträge
. Session
Chair: ....
Hamburg Observatory, Thursday, August 28, 2025
Gojenbergsweg 112, 21029 Hamburg-Bergedorf
Library of Hamburg Observatory
(Photo. Susanne M. Hoffmann)
- 10:00-13:00 Uhr Lectures - Vorträge
... Session - Hamburger Sternwarte
Chair: ...
- .... Uhr - ....:
- .... Uhr - ....:
- 11.00-11:30 Uhr Kaffeepause / Coffee break
- .... Uhr - ....:
- .... Uhr - ....:
- 13:00-14:00 Uhr - Mittagessen / Lunch -
- 14:00-15:00 Uhr Lectures - Vorträge
. Session
Chair: ....
- .... Uhr - ....:
- .... Uhr - ....:
- 14:30-15:00 Uhr Kaffeepause / Coffee break
- Workshop ....

Tycho Brahe in the Castle of the Counts of Rantzau (1597 to 1599),
Tycho portrait in his publication of "Astronomiae instauratae mechanica" Wandsbek 1598.
- Short visit in Hamburg-Wandsbek:
Bust of Tycho Brahe (1546-1601)
at Wandsbeker Markt in Hamburg
Melkeveien (Milky Way), Frida Hansen, Oslo (1898)
(© Maria Thrun, MK&G)