Programme of the Conference
Booklet of Abstracts)
The conference is supported by
- University of Hamburg,
- the Schimank-Stiftung of the Center for History of Science and Technology, University of Hamburg
- Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf; Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin / Medizinhistorisches Museum Hamburg
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Morning: Geomatikum Lecture Room 2
(Bundesstrasse 55, Bus 4 and 15, stop "Bundesstrasse")
By clicking on the images you can enlarge them!
8:00 - 9:00 Registration
13:00 - 13:30 Lunch -
University Cafeteria (Mensa) Geomatikum
Afternoon: Hamburg (University) Observatory
in Hamburg-Bergedorf
- S21 Sternschanze 13:29-14:55 Bergedorf Bahnhof,
Bus 332 - 14:00-14:10 "Sternwarte Universität"
- S21 Sternschanze 13:39 / Dammtor 13:41 - 14:05 Bergedorf Bahnhof,
Bus 135
Timetable Bus 135 - 14:09-14:19 "Justus-Brinckmann-Strasse"
- S21 Sternschanze 13:49-14:15 Bergedorf Bahnhof,
Bus 332
Timetable Bus 332 - 14:20-14:31 "Sternwarte Universität"
Thursday 14:30 - 16:00
Welcome: Prof. Dr. Robi Banerjee, director of Hamburg Observatory
1. Session: Conservation and scientific research on Collections
Chair: Marta Lourenço
- Beatrix Alscher (Berlin):
The conservation of the 1m-reflector telescope:
Technical heritage at the Hamburg Observatory
- Ilja Kogan, Birgit Gaitzsch (Freiberg, Germany):
Freiberg University makes fossils and coal available via the internet
- Nathalie Séjalon-Delmas (Castanet Tolosan, France):
How herbarium specimens may give clues about XXIth century environmental questions
- Bruno Vila (Marseille, France):
Is it possible to evaluate the impact of a collection on research?
16:00 - 16:30 - Coffee Break
Thursday 16:30 - 18:00
2. Session: Heritage and research in history of science
Chair: Sofia Talas
- James Caplan (Marseille, France):
Research as a line of defence of historic astronomical instrumentation
- Liliya V. Kazantseva, Salata A. Sergey (Kyiv, Ukraine):
A comprehensive study of the scientific heritage
of the Astronomical Observatory of Kyiv University
- Lea Leppik (Tartu, Estonia):
A science museum without research into the history of science?
- Eike-Christian Harden (Hamburg, Germany):
Preparing the transformation into heritage: what research has to be done
before the presentation of the Jungius archive can start?
- Anke Tietz (Freiberg, Germany):
A geoscientific heritage of the late 18th century in the periphery of universities
18:00 - Presentation and Guided Tours:
- Schmidt-Museum, Telescopes and Scientific Instruments -
Gudrun Wolfschmidt und Förderverein Hamburger Sternwarte
(PD Dr. Matthias Hünsch und Dr. Wolf-Dietrich Kollmann)
- Photographic Plates - Dr. Detlef Groote
- Archive and Library - Anke Vollersen
Bergedorf to Hamburg:
Friday, 13 June 2014
Morning: Geomatikum Lecture Room 2
13:00 - 14:0 Lunch -
University Cafeteria (Mensa) Geomatikum
Afternoon: Geomatikum Lecture Room 2
19:00 - Conference Dinner
Restaurantschiff Bergedorf (1955)
Ponton Neumühlen, Hamburg-Oevelgönne
(ferry boat 62 direction Finkenwerder, stop Oevelgönne)
Saturday, 14 June 2014
Morning: Medical History Museum,
University Medical Center (UKE), Hamburg-Eppendorf (Universitätsklinikum)
(Metro U3 Schlump to Kellinghusenstrasse 09:02-09:07,
Bus 22, 09:12-09:18, stop "Julius-Reincke-Stieg", 10 minutes walk)
("U3 Hoheluftbrücke" Metro-Bus 5, 9:03-0:05 "Gärtnerstrasse",
Bus 20 (or Bus 25): "Gärtnerstrasse" 9:07-9:10 stop "UK Eppendorf", 10 minutes walk)
Saturday 9:30 - 11:30
Workshop - Working Groups
- Recent Heritage of Science (URHS) Workshop (Roland Wittje),
see Selection Criteria (PDF)
- James Caplan
- Elena Corradini
- Neil Curtis
- Willem Dedobbeleer
- Ann-Marie Delaune
- Delphine Isselmann
- Kaur Jackma
- Liliya Kazantseva
- Simon Leenknegt
- Marta Lourenço
- Laura Masuri
- Ing-Marie Munktell
- Christine Nawa
- Anne Vähätalo
- Cornelia Weber
- Roland Wittje
- Gudrun Wolfschmidt
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee Break
Saturday 12:00 - 13:00 Guided Tour:
Medical History Museum (Dr. Antje Zare and cooperators)
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
Afternoon: Medical History Institute,
University Medical Center (UKE), Hamburg-Eppendorf
Saturday 14:00 - 15:00
7. Session: Curating collections
Chair: Ing-Marie Munktell
- Steph C. Scholten (Amsterdam, The Netherlands):
Into the 21st century: Curating digital collections
- Laila Zwisler (Lyngby, Denmark):
Three things in one go - Heritage, research and dissemination at the Technical University of Denmark
- George N. Vlahakis, Faiy Tsitou, Flora Paparou, Panagiotis Lazos (Patras, Athens, Greece):
The scientific collections of the Athen's University Museum. A critical view
Saturday 15:00 - 17:00
Universeum General Assembly
17:00 - 19:00 - Visits - Guided Tours:
- Excursion to places of history of science and technology in Hamburg
by Gudrun Wolfschmidt (including boat trip)
- Botanical Garden of Hamburg University in Flottbek,
opening hours 9-20 h
- Old Botanical Garden "Planten un Blomen" (*1820),
opening hours 7-23 h,
Tropical Greenhouses, Saturday 10:00-17:45 h,
Teahouse in the Japanese Garden, Tuesday to Saturday, 15-18 h
- "Wasserlichtspiele" Parksee (sound and light show with a water organ in the lake)
in the Old Botanical Garden, Thursday to Sunday, 22 h (summer term 1.05.-5.10.2014)
Suggestion for visits on Sunday:
- Tropical Greenhouses in the Old Botanical Garden (Planten un Blomen),
opening hours Sunday 10:00-17:45 h
- Loki-Schmidt-Haus - Museum and Botanical Garden of Hamburg University in Flottbek,
opening hours Sunday 9-20 h
- Zoological Museum of Hamburg University, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3,
opening hours: Sunday 10-17 h
- Mineralogical Museum of Hamburg University, Grindelallee 48,
opening hours: Sunday 10-17 h

Links to Hamburg University Collections and Places of Interest
Astronomy, History of Science, DESY
Medical History
- Museum of Medical History (Medizinhistorisches Museum), University Hospital (UKE) Hamburg-Eppendorf
Flyer (PDF) (Anatomical Collection (Anatomische Sammlung), UKE), Fritz Schumacher-Haus (Haus N30.b), Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Frickestrasse / Schedestrasse, D-20246 Hamburg,
contact: Dr. Antje Zare,
opening hours: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 14-18 h, Sunday 12-18 h,
(Bus 20, 25 and 281) - Map of UKE with Museum
Geo Science: Palaeontology and Mineralogy
- Geological-Palaeontological Institute and Museum (Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut und Museum), Bundesstrasse 55, D-20146 Hamburg,
contact: Dr. Ulrich Kotthoff,
opening hours: 9-18 h, Saturday (during the semester) 9-12 h
- Mineralogical Museum (Mineralogisches Museum) Hamburg, Grindelallee 48, D-20146 Hamburg,
contact: Prof. Dr. Jochen Schlüter,
opening hours: Wednesday 15-18 h, Sunday 10-17 h
Biology: Zoology and Botany
- Biocenter Grindel and Zoological Museum (Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum),
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D-20146 Hamburg,
contact: Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Kaiser (Daniel Bein),
opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10-17 h, Metrobus 4 stop Grindelhof
- Tropical Greenhouses in the Old Botanical Garden (Tropengewächshäuser im Alten Botanischen Garten - Planten un Blomen) - 1962/63 International Horticulture Exhibition (Internationale Gartenbauausstellung), pharmacist garden (Apothekergarten)
opening hours of the Greenhouses on workdays 9:00-16:45 and Saturday, Sunday 10:00-17:45 h,
Old Botanical Garden "Planten un Blomen" opening hours 7-23 h
- Biocenter Klein Flottbek and Botanical Garden (Biozentrum Klein Flottbek und Botanischer Garten),
Ohnhorststr. 18, 22609 Hamburg, opposite of S-Bahn Stop Klein-Flottbek,
S-Bahn S1, Bus 21 and Metrobus 15 - Stop: Klein Flottbek.

Deadline: May 15, 2014
Universeum Registration Form - please download and send it back to Gudrun Wolfschmidt.

List of Participants
Universeum List of Participants
Accommodation - Hotels / Hostels in Hamburg
- Hotels near railway station Dammtor (Bahnhof Dammtor)
(Bus 4 to Schlump or S-Bahn to Sternschanze)

Dammtorpalais (marked as red point), (Rotherbaum)
5 minutes from railway station Dammtor / Bahnhof Dammtor (also by interurban train / S-Bahn stop and bus stop).
- Hotels near the Geomatikum along Metro lines U3 and U2
- Hotels in Altona
(S-Bahn to Sternschanze or Bus 15 to Schlump)
Small Hotels in Hamburg
- Low price places to stay overnight
- Hotels in Hamburg -
- Reiseportal Casamundo - Hotel Booking

Travel: Public Transportation in Hamburg HVV (Öffentlicher Nahverkehr)

Hamburg Tourist

Impressum -
Homepage Wolfschmidt -
e-mail wolfschmidt

AG Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft und Technik (GNT) - Wolfschmidt
Logo © Imagelabor Michaela Riemer
June 20, 2013. Last update: June 12, 2014